This picture was taken in Riga Aug. 16, 2015 |
Elvis In Norway - Site information -
This site is created "manually". I use the simple Notepad program to write down the 'HTML'-codes. There are no fancy Java, and very little Java-Scripts on this site. A simple site is a fast site! The pictures you see on my site are often taken from other sites on the net. Thanks to everyone that let me lend their pictures.
This site is best viewed in 1024x768 resolution and in 64 K colors. All codes are standard, which means that this site can be viewed in any browser on the marked supporting standard 'HTML'-codes. |
My name is Oven Egeland, and I come from Norway. At this time I stay in Oslo, our capital city. I was born in 1972, in a place called Fjotland, which is far more south in Norway than Oslo. I'm a graduated legal practitioner and currently I work with prison matters.
I became an Elvis fan, shortly after he died. I can not remember that excact moment, I was 5 year when it happened. But after this, weekly magazines in Norway where loaded with pictures and stories about "The King". I started to collect pictures, and my mother bough me my first album - Moody Blue. This album soon became my favourite, and still is to this day.
After this, lots have happened in my life, but I'm still an Elvis fan.
This page is devoted mainly to Elvis in the 70's. This era really facinates me. Elvis in the 70's is a study in life, music, american culture... and a lot more! |
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