DEEP DOWN SOUTH (King Records 7596-1) (Released 1997)

Tuscaloosa, June 3 1975 (8:30 P.M. show)
Also Sprach Zarathustra (Memphis, June 10 1975) See See Rider (Murfreesboro, May 6 1975) I Got A Woman (Murfreesboro, May 6 1975)/Amen Love Me If You Love Me Love Me Tender All Shook Up Teddy Bear/Don't Be Cruel Hound Dog The Wonder Of You Burning Love Introductions Johnny B. Goode School Days Bridge Over Troubled Water T-R-O-U-B-L-E Hawaiian Wedding Song Let Me Be There American Trilogy Funny How Time Slips Away Little Darlin' Mystery Train/Tiger Man Can't Help Falling In Love Closing Vamp
Content: 4+ Sound: 4 Artwork: 6 |
Taken from the booklet of this bootleg
Elvis toured most of the cities in the south of the United States in April, May and June 1975. He sang consecutively in the following states: Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Texas.
On June 3rd, 1975,15,400 fans were present at the University Of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. The gross receipts of me show were $143,143, the highest day-receipt of the whole tour which lasted from May 30th till June 10th.
Elvis wore the white jumpsuit with the red eagle. On June 6th he would be in Dallas, and one day later in Shreveport. Parts of both these concerts can be heard on the 8-LP box 'Elvis Aaron Presley.
Elvis introduces himself on stage with the words Hello, I'm Johnny Cash!' Shortly afterwards, a young girl throws some clothing on stage and Elvis asks, 'Who did that?" Without waiting for a reply, he announces, 'You gonna freeze to death!' A moment later another piece of clothing reaches Elvis and he repeats his question, 'Who did this? Apparently having been thrown by the same girl, he jokingly adds: "You have nothing left on... go home!
'Bridge Over Troubled Water' was rarely sung in 1975, but here Elvis performs this song very beautifully and with a lot of confidence. At the end of 'Hawaiian Wedding Song, Elvis provides the audience with a translation of part of the Hawaiian Iyrics: 'Lack a Nooki, the Hawaiian for 'licking your...' well.... whatever! (Not on this disc!! - My comment)
Elvis gives an outstanding rendition of 'American Trilogy", accentuating some words and hitting the very last note masterfully. At the end of 'Funny How Time Slips Away", Elvis encourages J.D. to follow him in the bass-ending. How beautiful they both succeed! 'Little Darlin' is also sung in great spirit, with a lot of clowning around.
A fine show. We are sure you will love this one! |
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