In this section you'll find news on forthcoming releases, and information/reviews of already released bootlegs. Bootlegs are sorted after labels, years, alphabet and soundboards. |
RETURN TO SENDER - THE SUMMER OF '76 - (Audionics) (2019)
Audionics has been away for a while, but returns with their own attempt at the Hampton Roads, August 1st show in 1976. A well-known concert, almost legendary among dedicated Elvis fans. Not because of great performances, rather the opposite. It is among the worst Elvis shows ever heard on tape, LP, CD or other digital media.
Fort Baxter released this concert back in 1994 on their The Bicentennial Elvis Experience. The sound quality was very good and it appears to be both a lively band and audience this afternoon. Elvis, however was barely out of his bed and appears to have flu or just cold in addition. He struggles to keep the show hanging together, several times out of key and generally lacking breath. However, his mood is rather good, and a good compensation.
The sound quality on Fort Baxters release was good, as mentioned. However, it was heavily compressed and "pumping". It all made Elvis sound a little different than what is correct. Audionics says to work from the source, and will present at different sound. Most likely a more flat transfer. Hopefully it comes out much better than what FTD presented with their bonus track of 'Return To Sender' on New Haven '76 some years ago. That was really lifeless soundwise!
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ROCKIN' AND LOVIN' IN LAS VEGAS - (Straight Arrow) (SA/SP 2017-49-02)
A single CD with the previously unreleased August 17, 1972 Las Vegas Dinner show. Taken from a 1st generation copy of an original audience recorded cassette, made back in the 70s by Rex Martin.
Elvis performs a solid and entertaining show. His vocal is outstanding. The liner notes are taken from recent Rex Martin August 1972 personal notes.
Presented in a 3-panel digipack, including rare photos taken in Las Vegas in August/September 1972.
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BREAKDOWN IN BALTIMORE - (Straight Arrow) (SA/SP 2017-48-02)
The infamous Baltimore show from May 29 1977. First released in 1994 on the incomplete Send Me The Light… I Need It Bad!. A better version was later found on Baltimore Nightfall.
It was reported that Elvis left the stage for 30 minutes, actually it was around 20 minutes. Solo numbers by several of the musicians, followed by and introduction of band and members by Charlie Hodge. When Elvis returned he performed 'Help Me', 'Hurt' and a rather good version of 'Unchained Melody'.
Presented in a classic 4-panel double digipak, including rare photos taken in Baltimore.
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STORMY WEATHER AHEAD - (Straight Arrow) (SA/SP 2017-47-02)
An audience recording from Las Vegas, September 2. This is the dinner show, as the midnight show has been available from a soundboard recording for almost 30 years. This previously unreleased concert comes in very good sound quality!
The set list included several songs unique to this season: 'It's Midnight', 'Big Boss Man' and 'If You Talk In Your Sleep'. In between songs, he related stories ranging from the amusing to serious topics - the circumstances surrounding his divorce and the overblown stories in the movie magazines. Along the way, Elvis' emotions ranged from undisguised anger (the drug stories) to tenderness - introducing Priscilla and their six-year old daughter Lisa Marie.
Presented in a classic 4-panel double digipak.
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ON FIRE IN FLORIDA - (Straight Arrow) (SA/SP 2017-46-02)
Featuring audience recordings from the first two concert on tour number 25, February 1977.
The Hollywood, February 12th 1977 show was first released in 1994. Straight Arrow claim to have used the original cassette and restored it from scratch.
The West Palm Beach show the day after have previously been released several times from an incomplete soundboard source. This audience recording includes the full show and has been taken directly from a previously unreleased original audience-recorded. Both shows were recorded by the same person.
Presented in classic Straight Arrow 4-panel digipak.
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GOT ME WORKIN' BOSS MAN - (Straight Arrow) (SA/SP 2017-45-02)
Focusing on the April 1976 tour. It was short, but rather decent tour. Tony Brown and Ronnie Tutt were back, replacing Shane Kiester on piano and Larrie Londin on drums from the previous March tour.
The Long Beach, April 25th 1976 afternoon show is previously unreleased. The Seattle, April 26th 1976 show was first released from a rather poor sounding tape source.
Straight Arrow obtained recently recovered copies of the original audience-recorded cassettes, not previously in circulation among fans. Both shows were recorded by the same person.
Presented in a 4-panel digipak that includes photos taken in Long Beach (afternoon) and Seattle, and newspaper reviews of both concerts.
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GOT ME WORKIN' BOSS MAN - (Straight Arrow) (SA/SP 2017-44-02)
An audience recording from Macon, June 1st 1977. Earlier only found in poorer sound quality on CD-R. Elvis sang 'Fairytale', 'My Way' and 'And I Love You So', but not 'How Great Thou Art or 'Unchained Melody'. The newly introduced 'I Really Don't Want To Know' (first on May 30, Jacksonville) was apparantly axed this day?
Presented in classic Straight Arrow 3-panel digipak that includes photos from Macon and a newspaper review.
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A VEGAS FLING WITH THE KING - (Straight Arrow) (SA/SP 2016-43-02)
A new double CD containing "booth" recordings from Straight Arrow. This time featuring both shows from Las Vegas, February 12 1973. Both shows are previously unreleased and complete.
The applause when Elvis introduced actor Jack Lord was tremendous. Elvis grinned and said, "Sit down, Jack, you're getting more applause than I am'.
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TOO LATE FOR GOODBYES - (Straight Arrow) (SA/SP 2016-42-02)
A double CD containing audiences recordings from Straight Arrow. This time featuring two shows from May 1977.
CD-1 sports Knoxwille from May 20, first out as a bootleg release, CD-2 feature Largo from May 22, first out in 1994 on Tonight 8:30PM.
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ONE FOR THE LADIES - (Straight Arrow) (SA/SP 2016-41-02)
A new double CD containing "booth" recordings from Straight Arrow. This time featuring both shows from Las Vegas, February 10 1973. Previously released, but comes here in better sound quality than before.
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HOLDING HIS OWN IN TAHOE! - (Straight Arrow) (SA/SP 2016-40-02)
A new double CD containing an amateur recording from Straight Arrow. This time featuring the midnight show from Lake Tahoe, May 8 1976. Previously unreleased!
Presented in a 4-panel digipack that includes information, plus Lake Tahoe memorabilia and rare photos taken during the season.
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A KILLER NITE! - (SA/SP 2016-39-02)
Featuring the previously unreleased dinner show from Las Vegas August 26 1972. Straight Arrow has also earlier sported audience recordings from this long August/September 1972 engagement in Las Vegas.
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From Straight Arrow this contain the dinner show from Las Vegas August 29th 1971. Included is also more than half of the midnight show. Comes as a follow up to Solid As Rock seen below.
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From Straight Arrow this contains all five shows from August 1975. Heavily bootlegged through the years, these request box shows are presented here with the best sound available so far.
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SOLID AS ROCK - (SA/SP 2016-37-02)
Straight Arrow has recently released both concerts from Las Vegas August 27th 1971. The dinner show is previously unreleased in any form!
Elvis' last engagement in Las Vegas had shown clear signs of his standard slipping, but here it sounds like he's back on track again. It's interesting to note that already in '71, the difference between the dinner and midnight shows was becoming noticeable.
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Featuring the Las Vegas, February 20th 1973 Dinner show. This recording is taken from audience recording (Rex Martin) and is a previously unreleased concert recording. Sound quality is very good!
Presented in deluxe digi-pack with a collection of photos of Elvis wearing the 'Owl suit' (taken from November 1972).
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Featuring the August 24th, 1972 Dinner show from Las Vegas. This is a previously unreleased audience recording in good sound. It has been taken from a new source.
Presented in deluxe digi-pack with photos taken at the Las Vegas Hilton hotel in August/September 1972.
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NEXT STOP FAYETTEVILLE - (Graceland Records) (GR CD 7606/07/08 - 2)
Graceland Records released this 3 CD box featuring all concerts from Fayetteville, August 1976. None of the shows have been out on CD before!
Sound quality is only acceptable, but the release as a whole is very nice. It is interesting that Elvis sings 'American Trilogy' on August 3.
Presented in a 3-CD digi-pack, in slipcase, with a 44-page booklet with many rare photos of Elvis on stage in Fayetteville.
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ONONDAGA NIGHTS - (SA/SP 2015-34-02)
Containing two shows from Syracuse 1976, July 25 and July 27 respectively. Taken from audience recording, both are of good quality. Best in sound quality is the July 25 show. The July 27th show is previously unreleased!
Presented in deluxe digipack.
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Featuring an audience recording of the Mothers Day show from Lake Tahoe, May 13 1974. Bootlegged several times already and even released on FTD from a soundboard source.
CD-2 contains the Portland show from November 26 1976. Sound fidelity is just acceptable on this one.
Presented in deluxe digipack.
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OL' SNAKE HIPS IS IN TOWN! - (SA/SP 2015-32-02)
Straight Arrow decided to re-release yet another double CD taken from Rennies tapes. Also bootlegged several time, this time shows from August 21, 1970. Also previously bootlegged, but less frequent than the shows from both August 19 and August 20.
Presented in deluxe digipack with live and candid photos taken during the summer 1970 Las Vegas season.
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HOT TO TROT - (SA/SP 2015-31A/B-02)
Straight Arrow has released another double CD taken from Rick Rennies great audience recorded tapes. This time both shows from August 20, 1970, already heavily bootlegged before.
Presented in deluxe digipack with live and candid photos taken during the summer 1970 Las Vegas season.
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CITY OF ANGELS - (Audionics 2015-01A/B-2)
Audionics went for a different approach this time. Presented like an audio-book this release features a re-release of the soundboard recording from Los Angeles, May 11 1974. First out on FTD, this time it runs at correct speed. The sound has also been altered a bit, sounding quite different to the official release. You either like it or not. All this is featured on CD-2, while CD-1 sports an audience recording of the afternoon show the same day.
A 120-page hardbook with several previously unpublished photos, both in color and black and white.
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HARD KNOCKS - (VP 2014-02)
Venus Productions is back with more studio material - even this time several previously unreleased takes. With songs from the movies Easy Come, Easy Go, Roustabout, Fun In Acapulco and Harum Scarum, it also includes a new full take of 'What'd I Say' (take 3).
Brilliant sound quality all the way through!
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ALMOST DONE, FOLKS! - (SA/SP 2015-30-02)
Straight Arrow has released another double CD taken from good audience recorded tape. This time both dinner and midnight show from September 1, 1973.
Presented in deluxe digipack with live and candid photos taken during the summer 1973 Las Vegas season.
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DOIN THE BEST I CAN - (SA/SP 2015-29-02)
A double CD release that contains booth recordings from both the dinner and the midnight show from Las Vegas, February 16 1973.
Presented in deluxe digipack with live and candid photos taken during the Winter 1973 Las Vegas season.
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LOOSE AS A GOOSE! - (SA/SP 2015-28-02)
Straight Arrow decided to re-release another double CD taken from Rick Rennies great audience recorded tapes. This time both dinner and midnight show from August 19, 1970.
Presented in deluxe digipack with live and candid photos taken during the summer 1970 Las Vegas season.
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From the May 1974 season in Lake Tahoe, this release sports the midnight show from May 26. The show has never been available before now, and the sound quality is quite ok.
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Finally available in complete form is the July 22nd 1975 show from Asheville. On this show Elvis sings 'Shake A Hand' and 'Memphis Tennessee', both rare! 'Shake A Hand' has Elvis start in a way too high key. After a few false starts, he eventually decides to complete the song. Still in a key higher than the correct one, but it works out fascinatingly all the way to the end.
The sound quality is only acceptable, but good enough to enjoy the special moments!
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A double feature of two Portland shows, one from November 11, 1970 and the other from April 27, 1973. Both shows have been released several times before, but come in slightly better sound this time around.
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A TRIPLE feature of August 1973 shows from Straight Arrow this time. Three audience recordings from Las Vegas, August 28 (dinner show) and August 29 (Dinner and Midnight show) 1973.
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A NEW DECADE, A NEW SOUND - (SA/SP 2014-25-02)
A double feature of dinner shows from Straight Arrow this time. Sporting two audience recordings from Las Vegas, February 3 and February 5 1970.
Both shows was released by Memory Records several years ago, but is said to come in better sound this time around.
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Another August 1973 release from Straight Arrow. This time the dinner show from Friday August 24, 1973 is served.
The concert is previously unreleased in any form and has been sourced from an excellent sounding 'booth' tape. Elvis sings 'The First Time I Saw Your Face' among many others.
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ADIOS LINCOLN - (SA/SP 2014-23-02)
From the last tour, Straight Arrow release the Lincoln concert from June 20 1977.
Includes 'Help Me' and 'Unchained Melody', this time performed before the band introductions. Elvis also asks J. D. Sumner and the Stamps to perform 'Walk That Lonesome Road' during the band intros.
For the first time released in complete from, using two independent audience recorded tapes.
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ON A WINNING STREAK - (SA/SP 2014-22-02)
Straight Arrows latest release; this time three full shows from February 1973 all taken from an audience recording source. Sound quality is very good.
Containing the dinner and midnight show from February 17 and the dinner show from the day after.
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Straight Arrows latest release; another sound booth recording, this time from August 1972.
Containing the dinner show from August 23, 1972. The sound quality is good. Missing bits and pieces are spliced with two other shows from the same time.
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Straight Arrows latest release; another sound booth recording from August 1973.
Containing both dinner and midnight show from August 23. The sound quality is very good and even magnificent on the dinner show (CD-1).
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Straight Arrows latest release; a sound booth recording from August 1973.
Containing both dinner and midnight show from August 22. None of these shows are previously released, and the sound quality is very good.
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ECHOES OF ALOHA - (Audionics 2013-05-02)
Audionics is out with a "booth recording", this time from the dinner show on February 13 1973. In addition this CD also contains some soundboard tracks from the dinner show on February 10 same season.
All recordings presented on this CD are previously unreleased. The dinner show is completely new even to die-hard Elvis fans. The sound quality is fully comparable with Aloha, Jerry released early 2013.
As with Aloha, Jerry this new CD even contains some soundboard tracks from the dinner show on February 10.
Presented in deluxe digipack with live and candid photos taken during January - February 1973 Las Vegas season.
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Straight Arrow has released another double CD taken from good audience recorded tape. This time focus is on February 1973.
Containing both dinner and midnight show from February 22, and even most of the dinner show from the day before (tagged to the end of each CD).
Presented in deluxe digipack with live and candid photos taken during January - February 1973 Las Vegas season.
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UNEDITED MASTERS - NASHVILLE 1970 Revisited - (VP 2013-01)
Venus Productions recently released a follow up to the CD containing unedited masters from Nashville Studios 1970.
On this revisited version only one track stands out - finally, then - the unedited take 1 of 'Merry Christmas, Baby'. On this album it appears like it should have on Venus' album Christmas Today over 3 years ago!
Several of the songs have clipped intro, a lot of the tracks are something else than it says on the cover. A bit sloppy, indeed. Sound quality is good all the way through, though!
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THINGS GET LOOSE IN TUSCALOOSA - (Audionics 2013-04-2)
Even another bootleg from Audionics has been announced. This time it is back to reprint of old bootleg material, however.
This soundboard from afternoon show in Tuscaloosa, June 3 1975 was originally released in 1997 by King Records on their Deep Down South. Audionics points out that the sound quality is noticeable better this time. That could be argued against.
Presented in a digi-pack with relevant liner notes and a couple of rare photos as taken on the night, plus other photos from the tour.
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THE CREEPING CRUD EXPRESS - (Audionics 2013-03-2)
A completely new show from Audionics this time! The new soundboard recording, from afternoon show in Shreveport, June 7 1975 is coupled with a different version of the - much bootlegged - Dallas show the day before.
Presented in a deluxe double digipak with rare photos. Sound quality is really good on the Shreveport show.
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HOUSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM... - (Audionics 2013-02-2)
An interesting release from Audionics this time! The much talked about afternoon concert from Houston, August 28 1976.
No tape, neither audience recording nor inline, has been available from this show before. Here Audionics gives us the (almost) complete concert in very good soundboard quality. A find!
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LOSIN' OUT IN VEGAS - (SA/SP 2013-17-02)
Straight Arrows latest release takes us once again back to Las Vegas, December 1976.
Containing the December 5 dinner show, this does not display Elvis at his best. Actually rather the opposite. Elvis in late on stage, said to be caused by a twisted ankle.
Presented in the same manner as Straight Arrows other releases in this category.
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TANYA FOR DINNER! - (SA/SP 2013-16-02)
Straight Arrows latest focus on the March/April season in Las Vegas 1975. Oddly titled "Tanya For Dinner!", luckily the content is better than the title of the CD.
Featuring the dinner show from March 28, where we already have the midnight show from this day on soundboard (Big Boss Man). The dinner show is good and the sound is ok for an audience recording. And the title...well, it refers to the fact that Tanya Tucker is a member of the audience and is introduced specifically by Elvis.
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The second release from the new Rock Legends label is a double CD also. And again it is a re-issue of previously released material. Actually plenty of times!
Featuring two April 1972 shows from multi-track tape. The Richmond show from April 10 was first released in stereo on Madison's Red Hot In Richmond. The sound quality is a bit better on this new release, however. Less muddy and in general overall better fidelity. It sounds like a better source, not only better mastering.
The Greensboro show sounds identical to the mono version first released on The Greensboro Concert by Triangle.
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A label called "Rock Legends" - probably not the same as Rock Legends - has re-issued the great March 22 show from 1975. This concert has been released several times on bootleg, but this one is the best so far.
CD-1 contains the opening acts, while CD-2 ends with bonus tracks from midnight show on March 19 (all, but 'I'll Remember You' previous available from different Madison releases.)
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This double CD from Straight Arrow features both dinner and midnight show from February 19 1972. The source in an ok audience recorded tape.
The release is topped off with a 1:26 minutes version of 'I'm Leaving It Up To You' from 9 days earlier the same season.
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This double CD from Straight Arrow features the July 23 1975 Asheville show, plus bonus rarities from July 22 and 24. The show was originally issued on Gyrating Asheville (1997), but Straight Arrow obtained a better tape source; a two microphones recording. Thus there is noticeable ambience, due to channel separation. And, for the first time, the show is complete with no edits.
The release is topped off with images from July 23, plus a photo each from July 22 and 24.
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ALOHA JERRY! - (Audionics 2013-01-02)
Audionics is active again, this time with a "booth recording" of the closing show from February 23 1973. In addition the CD also contains some soundboard tracks from the dinner show on February 10 same year.
The closing show would be bass player Jerry Scheff's last for more than two years. The bonus tracks have a bass-heavy mix, possibly as a guide for future Presley bass players. However, this is perhaps one channel only of an original stereo soundboard?
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Straight Arrow presents another double CD release. This time from February 1977.
Taken from newly acquired audience recordings, this release gives us the February 14 show in St. Petersburg and the February 18 show in Colombia. The first show is already available in soundboard quality, as is some track from Colombia.
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Straight Arrow presents Elvis' first show in Madison Square Garden, June 9 1972. This is the show that the New York media all attended and got him so many glowing reviews.
This is the first time the show is presented in a quite good sound quality. A real find from Straight Arrows this time!
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Another double package from Straight Arrow. This time from Chicago May 1 and 2 1977.
Taken from a previously unreleased audience recording of good quality. Not really better than the previous (good sounding) versions, but different and in general equally good.
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WITH A HUMBLE HEART - (SA/SP 2012-11-02)
Straight Arrow has chosen two performances from February 3 1974 on this release.
The tapes are of good quality, sourced from early generation copies of the original cassettes. The double digipak contains liner notes and is filled with photos from the Montgomery, March 6 1974, due to a lack of quality images from Presleys January-February 1974 engagement.
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...another audience recordings from Las Vegas, March 1975. This time the midnight show from March 26.
The tape is of very good quality, sourced from early generation copies of original cassettes recorded by the same fan. Contains liner notes and photos from the March-April 1975 engagement.
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Venus Productions has released the last CD in the series containing unedited masters. This time from 1972 and 1980!
What stand out are mainly the two previously unreleased tracks from the "Guitar Man" session in 1980. They are 'For Ol' Times Sake' and 'Bigger They Are, Harder They Fall'. The last one has a few drop-outs in the sound. Otherwise it is strange that they were not both included on the FTD version of this album Too Much Monkey Business.
The sound quality is good. I'm a little skeptic to the genuineness of 'Always On My Mind' (track 4).
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AMORE, ELVIS - (SA/SP 2012-09-02)
...and again. Based on the same concept as "Christmas Light..", this double CD sports two audience recordings from Las Vegas. Both shows are from March 29 1975.
The tapes are of very good quality, sourced from early generation copies of original cassettes recorded by the same fan. The double digipak contains liner notes and is filled with photos from the March-April 1975 engagement.
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This double CD sports two audience recordings from Las Vegas, December 3 1976. The sound quality is very good for the dinner show, less so for the midnight show.
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AUTUMN GOLD - (Audionics 2012-01-2)
Audionics is out with another re-issue release. This time focus is on material already available on FTD releases. The double CD contains the South Bend show from October 1 1974, first out on Dragonheart already in 2003. The sound is a little better this time. Dragonheart is one of the most "compressed to death" release from FTD ever!
CD-2 contains large part of the Hollywood rehearsal on August 16, 1974. This material has been released many times, also officially. This time it comes in true binaural sound.
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Venus Productions released another CD containing unedited masters. This time from Studio B, Nashville 1971.
Nothing really stands out, but the sound quality is good. Venus fails to give 100 percent correct info on the CD content, but hardcore Elvis fans easily spot these errors.
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Again; from out of the blue Venus release another bootleg CD. And yet again, another re-issue of already released material
Originally released by Madison on their Event Number 8, the Houston show from March 1974 this time comes in slightly better fidelity.
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Venus is back, this time with an updated version of both shows from Madison Square Garden, June 10 1972.
The afternoon show on CD-1 comes in better sound quality than the BMG version (An Afternoon In The Garden), while the main show has the same mix and generally poorer fidelity compared to the re-mastered SONY version.
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Straight Arrow stays in Las Vegas, but goes back one year from previous release. The concept remains the same as on "Before The Darkness Falls", meaning two CD sporting both Dinner and Midnight show. This time it is September 2 from 1972.
Like its predecessors, this new release is presented in a digipack with necessary information and photos. Sound quality is far from as good as on the mentioned "Before The Darkness Falls".
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Straight Arrow moves back to Las Vegas, August 1973 this time, August 26 to be specific.
The Dinner show is previously unissued, while the Midnight show was released by Memory Records in 2002 (Caught In The Act). Straight Arrow presents both shows in "two-mike live ambience" stereo sound.
Like its predecessors, this new release is presented in a digipack with necessary information and photos.
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SAN FRANCISCO BAY BLUES - (Audionics 2011-02-02)
Audionics has now re-released America, The Beautiful, a soundboard version of the San Francisco show on November 28 1976.
The soundboard is binaural, with all vocals and most instruments on one channel, and piano and rhythm guitar on the other. However Audionics has merged them together to give a real stereo effect. Some of the original tracks are featured as bonus, since the tape runs out already on 'Hound Dog', missing 'Hawaiian Wedding Song', 'Blue Christmas', 'That's All Right' and 'Can't Help Falling In Love'. Sound quality is quite good.
This new release is presented in a digipack.
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TRIPLE THREAT - (SA/SP 2011-03-02)
Straight Arrow has moved to Lake Tahoe this time, with an audience recording from May 2 1976.
This previously unreleased show is taken from a first-generation copy of original cassette. Since the recorder was very close to James Burton's stage monitor, the lead guitar is exceptionally well-defined in the sound image.
Like its predecessors, this new release will be presented in a digipack with all the necessary information, plus Lake Tahoe memorabilia and photos.
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Venus Productions recently released a CD containing unedited masters from Nashville Studios 1970.
Nothing really stands out, but the sound quality is good. 'Only Believe' with added horns could be mentioned, as it has never been released before.
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OK, ALRIGHT, YOU WIN - (SA 2011-23-02)
Straight Arrow once again has released an audience recording from the infamous September/October 1974 tour.
Last time was from Maryland, September 27. This new comes from two days later, September 29. We have heard 'Alright, Ok, You Win' from this show in soundboard quality. It displays a person not quite in balance. Sound quality is unfortunately way below Straight Arrow standard.
This new release comes with a 16-page booklet with review and photos.
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A new label - Backdraft - has released a box and 4 CDs containing material from the January/February 1970 season in Las Vegas.
It contains both the Opening Show from January 26 and the Closing show from February 23 and live masters/outtakes from the official RCA recordings.
Especially CD-3 proves interesting as it contains several previously unreleased multi-track outtakes of songs featured on the On Stage album. In addition to songs, both CD-2 and CD-3 contains more talking than released before.
The Opening and Closing show is said to come from a different source than what have been out earlier. The sound on the opening show is more like the one found on Walk A Mile In My Shoes way back (though in much better fidelity). Personally I like the output better on the Madison releases, but that is a matter of taste.
Included in the 100 page hardback book are photographs never before seen and liner notes. This box is limited to 1000 copies. A real nice box!
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Venus Productions has released a CD containing masters from Stax Studios, December 1973 and the Post-Aloha "session" earlier the same year.
It is mostly unedited overdub masters, but also some undubbed masters and one prev. released outtake. Also sporting the complete master of 'Promised Land' with harmony vocal from "This Is Elvis".
The bonus tracks recorded after the Aloha Special features several takes of some of the performances, and dialogues between Elvis, the producer and his musicians.
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Another new audience recording from Straight Arrow. This time the August 30 midnight show from Las Vegas 1973. Sound quality is only fair.
The CD is housed in a jewelcase with a 16-page booklet like usually from Straight Arrow.
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ATLANTA BOUND - (SA 2011-21-02)
A new audience recording from Straight Arrow. This time the June 4 evening show from Atlanta 1976.
The CD is housed in a jewelcase with a 16-page booklet like usually from Straight Arrow. The sound quality is acceptable, but nothing more.
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Venus Productions has released a CD containing both previously released and unreleased material from the production of '68 Comeback Special.
The sound quality is very good throughout the CD and some gems can be found.
The package comes in a beautiful full color, hardcover book with many pictures and liner notes, spread over 88 pages!
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FIFTH TIME AROUND - (Audionics 2011-01-2)
Audionics' shot at the Memphis, March 20 1974 show. Earlier released by bootleggers and twice on the official label, nobody has managed to present this show with the respect it deserves!
Sourced from a DAT copy of the original rough-mix tape, sounding like only two channels from a quad mix, also Audionics will have to throw in the blanket. Anyway, it is an alternate edition and some actually find it the best one so far.
This CD comes in a digipack accompanied by 20-page booklet with photos and an essay.
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KEEP ROLLIN' ON - (VP EP 2011-03)
Venus Productions latest release is a surprising one!
Even with mostly great sound quality it is difficult to get very excited about this new outing. Sporting a new outtake of 'Are You Sincere' (take 3) on the cover, proves to be take 2 released already 14 years ago. Also the announced unedited master of 'I Got Confidence' turns out to be a different song; 'Seeing Is Believing', while the "unedited master" of 'Any Day Now' in fact is take 2...
Alternate vocal on 'Inherit The Wind' (VO-#2) and slightly vocal differences on 'Mama Like The Roses' is the meat, otherwise just minor details from previously released material. Hopefully this is just a short break in the line of interesting releases from Venus Productions.
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Venus Productions last in the "Jungle Room" series is out!
Subtitled 'Hurt', it contains several takes of 'I'll Never Fall In Love Again' (3 new takes, two complete versions) and the Hurt session (three new takes, all false starts). At the end you will also find a new take (labeled as take 5) and previously released versions of 'For The Heart'.
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Straight Arrow has given us another version of the famous Uniondale midnight show from July 19, 1975.
Previously released several times, first on Americas Own Vol. 2 by Claudia Records.
The CD package is completed with a standard 16-page booklet, including a collection of photos from the Uniondale 8:30 pm show and a critically written, but positive review by Nick Cohn.
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Venus Productions has released a CD containing outtakes from Stax Studios, December 1973.
It was here, without any pre-promotion! The CD contains only a handful of tracks, with a running time just over 30 minutes. Even so, there is some unreleased material on it. Very good sound quality!
Released in a card sleeve.
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SPANISH EYES BY REQUEST! - (Gravel Road GR CD 7403-02)
Gravel Road Music recently released another re-issue thing. This time Fort Baxter's "Spanish Eyes" has gone through the re-print mill.
Originally released 16 years ago, this CD features a nice Lake Tahoe show from May 1974. The sound quality was good back then and still is today..:-)
Presented in a digi-pack with photos from the actual show, memorabilia related to this engagement and liner notes.
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MATINEE MAJESTY - (SA 2011-19-02)
Straight Arrow has sported another show from Providence. This time the afternoon show from Providence, June 26 1976.
The fidelity and clarity of this STEREO audience recording is good and it showcases a standard June 1976 concert.
The CD package is completed with a 16-page booklet, including a collection of photos from the Providence matinee show and a very positive press review of the show.
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Venus Productions has released their third book/CD set with a hardcover book. It features the soundboard recording from the evening show in Jackson on June 9, 1975.
This show was released over 15 years ago by Pegasus under the title Cut 'Em Down To Size. The sound quality is way better on this new release compared to the old one. Especially the bass response has been improved!
Like Black Angels In Vegas and Bringing It All Back Home the book includes color photographs and liner notes spread over 80 pages.
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Straight Arrow has released an audience recording of the show from Providence, May 23 1977. The CD title song was performed for the very last time, and is performed in the first half of the show this night.
The audio quality is quite good. Straight Arrow has used two copies of different original tapes, obtained from the persons who were there. The better tape was chosen, and the other one was used to fill a few missing seconds.
A 16-page booklet, including a collection of rare photos from the Providence show is included Liner notes from someone who attended the show.
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GOOD TO BE BACK - (Gravel Road Music)
Gravel Road Music has re-issued another popular bootleg. This time, actually the very first soundboard CD to be released on bootleg. Originally issued by Fort Baxter in 1991, Just Pretend is still one of the best ever soundboard concerts released.
This show was also released (in a more complete form) on Unsurpassed Masters some years later. This is likely the source for Gravel Roads re-issue. Sound quality matches, though out-put volume has been wisely raised.
Presented in a digi-pack with photos from the actual show, memorabilia related to this engagement and liner notes.
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Venus Productions latest in the "Jungle Room" series. This time focus is on 'Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain', 'Way Down', 'It's Easy For You' and 'Pledging My Love. Even some live tracks from April 1977 are included.
The amount of "previously unreleased" material on this CD is far less then on the first two volumes. Actually only a few minutes of the CD contains material not already officially available. 'Way Down' session stands out! The sound quality is great, even the live tracks are better than presented before by any bootleg label.
The CD comes in a standard jewel case, completed with a 16-page booklet.
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Another 2 CD release from Audionics. And another December 1976 show!
A good audience recording, previously released [20 years ago!] on "Tornado From Vegas", but now the concert is complete and in better sound quality.
Among the show highlights are good versions of 'That's All Right', 'Softly As I Leave You', 'Hurt' and 'How Great Thou Art'.
The CD package is completed with a 16-page booklet, including a collection of photos from the actual show.
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IN THE HEART OF GEORGIA - (Audionics 2010-03-02)
Audionics has released a more complete version of the 1975 tour opener show. Originally found on From Vegas To Macon; there it faded out during 'I'll Remember You'. The existing tracks at the end are now included (from a different source).
A concert with a nice set-list. Unfortunately - while the sound quality is good - the mix on the soundboard is poor, which gives a lackluster atmosphere.
Presented in a digi-pack with photos from the actual concert.
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Sort of a rush release, this new Straight Arrow CD suddenly appeared from out of the blue.
I contains an audience recording of the August 30, 1973 Dinner show in Las Vegas. Sound quality is quite good. The CD comes with a 16-page booklet, including photos from August and September 1973.
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Gravel Road Music has re-issued Blazing Into The Darkness by Premier.
Released as digi-pack with related photos and concert reviews. The show is said to have been completely restored using old DAT copies of original soundboard recordings.
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Gravel Road Music has re-issued the Fort Baxters Elvis At Full Blast!
Released as digi-pack with related photos and concert reviews. The show is said to have been completely restored using old DAT copies of original soundboard recordings.
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Venus Productions is out with yet another "Jungle Room" CD. This time the release focus on three songs; 'Bitter They Are, Harder They Fall', 'She Thinks I Still Care' and 'The Last Farewell'.
Several takes of all songs are featured, all in close to perfect sound quality. There is less previously unreleased material then on the first two volumes, but still some gems.
The CD is presented in a standard jewel case, completed with a 16-page booklet.
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Volume two in the Jungle Room series. This time the content focus on three songs; 'Never Again', 'Danny Boy' and 'Love Coming Down'.
Several takes of all songs are featured, mostly in very good sound quality. A nice follow up to the first volume.
The CD is presented in a standard jewel case, completed with a 16-page booklet.
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Straight Arrow is out with another "two mike audience recording". The show in focus this time is dinner show from Feb. 14 1973. It has been recorded with the same equipment as volume 1 on this series was (Faded Love).
The CD comes in a digi-pack similar to the first volume, Faded Love.
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From the Jungle Room Sessions this new CD arrived from Venus Productions. It contains only two songs, namely 'Solitaire' and 'Moody Blue'.
Several takes of both songs are featured, all in very good to perfect sound quality. Take 3 of 'Moody Blue' stand out as most interesting in my view.
The CD is presented in a standard jewel case, completed with a 16-page booklet.
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OPENING NIGHT 1971 - (Flaming Phoenix Productions)
A new label, Flaming Phoenix Productions - of all things - decided to present bits and pieces of the opening show January 26 1971 onto one CD.
In reality barely 50 % of the opening show is featured as the rest has been taken from two other shows. Only one song is previously unreleased, namely 'The Wonder Of You'. To make everything sound like coming from the same concert, the sound quality has been reduced to a lower level. In addition the attempt to patch the difference sources together reminds me of a tired butcher dealing with the less finer parts of the slaughter. Pathetic!
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FADED LOVE - (SA SP 2010-01-02)
Straight Arrow has released a two mike audience recording. The show in focus is the "infamous" dinner show from Feb. 15 1973. This is when Elvis needs to leave the stage due to cold/throat problems. However, he returns after a while and continues. The source is a two mike recording made by an audience member. The result is very good.
The CD comes in a digi-pack and is the first volume of two in this "special product series" from Straight Arrow.
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CHRISTMAS TODAY - (Venus Productions VP 2010-04)
From out of the blue, this double CD from Venus Productions suddenly appears.
CD-1 contains previously unreleased outtakes of Christmas songs from Nashville 1971. Also some acetates of the master takes are included.
CD-2 focus on the Elvis Today session in Hollywood, March 1975. It mainly features the master takes, some with longer running time than officially released on Elvis Today.
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KARATE FEVER - (SA 2010-15-02)
Yet another concert CD stemming from an audience recorded tape. Straight Arrow has earlier been quite successful in this!
Karate Fever features the Las Vegas dinner show from August 31, 1974. On paper perhaps not so interesting, as we have had several soundboards from this season already.
The sound quality is very good for an off-line audio source of this kind.
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GET DOWN AND DIRTY - (Gravel Road Music)
Gravel Road Music continues their focus on rehearsals from That's The Way It Is. Their previous two CD's on this material have covered both the July 24 and July 29 rehearsals, while this new focus on the earlier July 15 stint.
Approx 100 minutes over 2 CD's marks the most complete presentation so far. The sound quality is very good, better than on previous bootlegs covering this rehearsal. Still, it is in mono and therefore not quite on par with the tracks already released by BMG / FTD.
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AT FULL FORCE - (Audionics 2010-02-02)
Audionics has re-issued Fort Baxters A Hot Winter Night In Dallas, featuring the Dallas show from December 28 1976.
Using the original DAT copy of the soundboard, the sound quality still leaves something to be desired. Most fans find the original version better sounding, including myself.
The CD comes with a 16-page booklet.
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SPRINGTIME TOURS '76 - '77 - (Audionics 2010-01-02)
Audionics has released a double CD focusing on binaural soundboards tapes from March 1976 and the official 8-track recordings made by Felton Jarvis in March, April and early May of 1977.
The Johnson City show from March 17 1976 has been mixed down to create a stereo image, while the Charlotte show from March 20 comes in true binaural.
The official 8-track recordings are sometimes more complete than the previously released ones, while five of them are new to Elvis fans. Unfortunately the Johnson City show is off-pitched, the same problem as found on A New Kind Of Rhythm - a concert from the same tour.
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HERE COME THE STARS - (SA 2009-14-02)
Straight Arrow has once again released an audience recording - again from Las Vegas 1976 - this time the dinner show on December 4. Originally released back in 1996 on Love Letters From Nevada.
In slightly better sound quality than the original, this show is among the better ones from this last Vegas season. A spoken version of 'What Now My Love' stands out.
The CD comes with a 16-page booklet, containing a collection of photos taken between Dec 3-7, 1976 and liner notes as written by a fan that was in the audience.
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LAST STOP IN MOBILE - (RR 19770602-2)
Out on the Rainbow Records label is this CD featuring the June 2 concert from Mobile in 1977. Taken from an amateur recording the sound can be labeled as acceptable.
Elvis was clearly not in best shape form this day. However, he sings 'American Trilogy' for the very last time. Except for an ugly miss in the middle of the song, where Elvis lost track of track of the song, it is a nice inclusion.
It comes with a 20-page booklet in full color!
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Venus Productions has released their follow up to Black Angels In Vegas.
Bringing It All Back Home features two concerts recorded in Memphis. The matinee performance of March 16 1974 was Elvis' first live appearance in Memphis since 1961 and was first released on Hello Memphis! The second CD features Elvis' concert at the Mid-South Coliseum in 1975. This was first made available on Let Me Take You Home.
The concert now comes in a little more complete form and without any addition of reverb or any other sound gimmicks as found on its predecessor.
The package comes in a beautiful full color, hardcover book with many pictures and liner notes, spread over 132 pages!
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