FADED LOVE (Straight Arrow SR SP 2010-01-02) (Released 2010)
Las Vegas, Feb 15 1973 (D.S)
Also Sprach Zarathustra See See Rider I Got A Woman/Amen Love Me Tender You Don't Have To Say You Love Me Steamroller Blues You Gave Me A Mountain Fever / (Elvis leaves the stage...) Walk That Lonesome Road (J. D. and The Stamps) Sweet, Sweet Spirit (The Stamps) When It's My Time (Bill Baize and The Stamps) How Great Thou Art (D. Sumner and The Stamps) I Should Have Been Crucified (E. Enoch and The Stamps) Can't Help Falling In Love (#1) Faded Love I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry Polk Salad Annie American Trilogy Can't Help Falling In Love (#2) Closing Vamp/Announcements After show comments
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Release notes from producer
Recently, the 'Straight Arrow' team obtained a couple of great quality Las Vegas off-line recordings. These concerts were recorded using a 1972 portable Sony high-end cassette recorder equipped with two microphones. The microphones were placed apart from each other in the balcony seating, behind the mixing desk of sound engineer Bill Porter. Usually, such tapes are called a "booth recordings" and often are used for mixing in with a multi-track recording to obtain full depth of the sound. However, we call them "TWO-MIKE AMBIENCE LIVE RECORDINGS" - because that's precisely what they are!
The first volume of our mini-series is titled "FADED LOVE" (SA/SP 2010-01-02) and will feature the infamous February 15th, 1973 Dinner show. Elvis had the flu and appeared on stage against his doctor's advice. There was no Midnight show on this day. He was trying hard, but after seven songs he called the Stamps to the spotlight to sing a couple of gospels, and left the stage. During that time Charlie Hodge - true professional as always - introduced each song, adding a couple of jokes too. Elvis returned after some 20 minutes, and apologized for his voice problems. He finished with 'Can't Help Falling In Love' and he was about to leave the stage, but he suddenly decided that this would disappoint his fans. To the audience's surprise, he continued the show and tried to make up for his restricted vocal abilities with several rare performances. 'Faded Love' is the very first known live-performance of his 1970 country-rocker, while country weeper 'I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry' is sung on stage for the last time. 'Polk Salad Annie' was performed only twice in 1973 (listen to the only other live-version on 2009's Straight Arrows release A Change Of Mind!). During 'An American Trilogy' Elvis changed the lyrics to: "Oh I wish I was - in the doctor's office" but otherwise sung a straight version of the song. Finally 'Can't Help Falling In Love' was performed for the 2nd time and that made this show even more special. We decided to add an edit of post-concert fans comments related to this show for historic reasons, too.
Unlike previous releases from Straight Arrow, this mini-series will be presented in cool looking digipacks with all necessary information and rare photographs.
Note: The Straight Arrow team is aware that this concert was released in 1992 on the CD "Las Vegas Dinner Show". However, it was a below-average quality audience-recording, in no way comparable with two-mike ambiance live recordings. Forget the old crap and enjoy this new, clear, warm and ambient stereo sound!
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