THE KING ROCKS TAMPA (Stage Entertainment EP 5009) (Released 1995)

1. Review by Mark Littlejohn |
Tampa, April 26 1975 (2:30 P.M. show)
Also Sprach Zarathustra See See Rider I Got A Woman/Amen Love Me If You Love Me Love Me Tender Teddy Bear/Don't Be Cruel It's Midnight Burning Love Introductions What'd I Say School Days My Boy T-R-O-U-B-L-E I'll Remember You Let Me Be There American Trilogy Funny How Time Slips Away That's All Right Heartbreak Hotel Can't Help Falling In Love
Content: 4 Sound: 2 Artwork: 2- |
1. Review by Mark Littlejohn
On April 26, 1975, I was twelve years old and sitting in Section S, Row 24, Seat 8 of Curtis Hixson Hall in Tampa, FL. I was there with my parents and sister waiting patiently for Elvis' afternoon show to begin. As Long as I live, I will never forget the atmosphere of that day. I have never seen so many women in one place in my life. All dressed up in high heels, halter-tops, & so forth. I didn't remember very much about the concert itself, except that it was very good and the audience tried to pull Elvis off the stage at the end when he was shaking hands. I also remember being mad after the show because he didn't sing Hound Dog, today that would be the last thing I would ask him to sing. But basically that was all I could remember, until 1998.
In 1998 I had started collecting bootlegs again. I had acquired several soundboards and that was all I was after. Then I found out that my source had this little CD available. I got it in my hands and memories came flooding back. Elvis really did give a great concert. The Tampa crowd was really enthusiastic, and to top it off I got about 15 minutes of 8mm film on VHS of the show two years ago. I still have my ticket stub and had it framed with 5 photos I bought from the Tampa newspaper almost 20 years ago.
The CD is from an audience recording and starts with 'See See Rider'. Elvis and band are really humming and follow up with 'I Got A Woman'. Elvis also mentions it great to be back in Jacksonville and then is quickly prompted that he is in Tampa. He did the same thing the night before in Jacksonville, saying it's great to be in Tampa. I think the confusion was a result of staying in Lakeland for four days during the Florida swing and he forgot where he was playing first. After all, the man gave six concerts in three cities, over four days (sounds confusing doesn't it). Next are good turns on 'Love Me', 'If You Love Me', 'Love Me Tender', and 'Teddy Bear/Don't Be Cruel'. Elvis then introduces his recent record 'It's Midnight' and this is a marvelous performance. 'Burning Love' follows and is outstanding. Elvis next introduces his band and singers, along with Mr. & Mrs. Renaldi who made all of his promotional material since he first started out.
The second half of the concert is highlighted by excellent performances of 'My Boy', 'I'll Remember You', 'An American Trilogy', 'That's All Right' & 'Heartbreak Hotel'. According to the film I have, Elvis also did 'Big Boss Man' and 'The Wonder Of You', but I don't know where in the show they fit, or if he did them at all. The show is brought to a close with the usual 'Can't Help Falling In Love'. This is indeed a great show and it like to broke my heart when BMG released the Murfreesboro concert instead of this one (which they reportedly have). Maybe someday I will get a soundboard copy. To possibly help make that happen sooner rather than later, I will make the following offer: to any one who can get me a CD-R of this concert (4/26/75 Tampa, FL matinee) I WILL GIVE IN RETURN a copy of EVERY soundboard I have. That's 50 in all, ranging from 1969 to 1977, with the vast majority from 1975 and earlier. You can email me at
Show Quality *****
Sound Quality **1/4
© Mark Littlejohn, USA - November 2001.
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