THE MAN IN WHITE VOL. 2 (Lone Star A161718) (Released 2002)

1. Review by Oven Egeland
I got this e-mail from Lone Star Label:
"At the Lonestar Label we know we made a huge misstake with our last release. There has been so much released it is hard to keep up wit everything and we do apologize.
HOWEVER: To all the critics: PLEASE remember that all import releases are released in limited amount and we understand that a lot of fans have missed out on the original release by another label so for those fans this release is still a welcome one and: it has been remasterd where the other release wasn't.'
Anyway: The sources for Soundboards have gone a little quiet lately but we do hope new sources will be found. Now we have turned to some rare audience recordings and are pleased to announce that we have the complete August 14th, 1970 show and we now have heard it after the remastering and the sound is really great!. We are very proud of it and feel that it is justified to release this as EVERY fan likes to hear something rare and Elvis in good shape. So watch out for our release, it's a goodie!
Team 'Lonestar" |
Huntsville, Sept. 6 1976 (E. S.)
Also Sprach Zarathustra See See Rider I Got A Woman /Amen Love Me Fairytale You Gave Me A Mountain All Shook Up Teddy Bear/Don't Be Cruel And I Love You So Jailhouse Rock Fever America Introductions Early Morning Rain What'd I Say Johnny B. Goode Band Solos Love Letters School Days Hurt Hound Dog Danny Boy (S. Nielsen) That's All Right Blue Christmas Mystery Train/Tiger Man Funny How Time Slips Away Can't Help Falling In Love Closing Vamp
Content: 3 Sound: 5 Artwork: 3+ |
Review by Oven Egeland
This 6th release from the Lone Star label is somewhat embarrassing. Lone Star first announced that "Man In White Vol. 2" would contain the matinee show from Huntsville, Alabama, September 6 1976. Not that interesting perhaps, after all the evening show was released two years ago on the CD Still Rocking The Nation. Even more, these summer/autumn shows from 1976 aren't exactly the cream of the crop. However, it would mean a new soundboard recording, which is always welcomed.
Just some weeks before this new CD "hit the marked" it became evident that the producers perhaps are not so familiar with the Elvis bootleg marked. It turned out that Lone Stars "new" soundboard in fact was the same as previously released on Still Rocking The Nation! In other word: "The Man In White" is equal to Still Rocking The Nation.
Now, over the years several soundboards have been released, and it can sometimes be difficult to pinpoint exactly which is what and the other way around. But I know for sure that if I owned a soundboard myself and was planning to release it, I would at least make sure if my recording already had been released or not. It shouldn't take that long! The evening show from Huntsville has several strong identifications. There's "Granny", a false start on 'Fairytale', Elvis forgetting the lyrics to 'America' and his restart on 'Mystery Train/Tiger Man' among others.
The conclusion must be; Either is this (re-) release deliberate or the person(s) behind Lone Star doesn't know much about Elvis and live recordings. I chose to believe that the first alternative is the correct one.
The sound quality on this release is very good. It is almost 100 % identical to its precedor, though with some noise-reduction added. The cover art and CD-print follow the path from Man In White Vol. 1. It is not as good as this one, however, but certainly better than the ugly looking Still Rocking The Nation.
About the concert - well, there is not much too say... It is Elvis at his most perfunctory. All in a day's work and it sounds!
Elvis is quite tired in his voice, and he also forgets the lyrics here and there...."It's been a long day", Elvis says during the seconds attempt on 'Mystery Train/Tiger Man'. On the first attempt Elvis mixed the opening words of the song and stops it immediately.
The opening song, 'See See Rider' is performed with quite some enthusiasm. I like these late versions of this particular song. The tempo slows down fast after this however, as Elvis talks a lot and spends "hours" on 'I Got A Woman/Amen'. For the first-row members of the audience it most likely was a nice concert. It sounds like Elvis gives his attention to several girls in the Von Braun Civic Center in Huntsville this evening. Especially "granny" demands a lot of attention, which makes Elvis say "Not you again, granny" later in the show.
During 'America' Elvis suddenly forgets the lyrics. "Oh beautiful...for whatever comes up next, what's the next line?".
This is also one of the first times Elvis has Shaun (Sherril) Nielsen to sing 'Danny Boy'. A nice performance, but quite different from the 1977 - versions.
Like in Macon one week earlier, Elvis decides to play guitar and to sing 'That's All Right' and 'Blue Christmas'. Both are good versions. Especially 'Blue Christmas' is performed well. There's something special about these concerts when Elvis brings out his guitar and performs his older songs. The total impression of the show increases!
The total running time is almost 75 minutes! If you already have Still Rocking The Nation there is no need to buy this one (unless you just need it all). Others might find this CD worthy. The sound is very good and the cover is fine. The content is questionable, though. Just like this new release from Lone Star.
© Oven Egeland, Elvis In Norway, December 2002. |