SNOWBIRD REVISITED (GR CD 7101-2) (Released 2013)

Las Vegas, Jan. 29 1971 D.S
1: Also Sprach Zarathustra 2: That's All Right, Mama 3: I Got A Woman 4: Love Me Tender 5: You Don't Have To Say You Love Me 6: Sweet Caroline 7: You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling 8: Polk Salad Annie 9: Band Introductions 10: Johnny B. Goode 11: Band Introductions 12: Something 13: Heartbreak Hotel 14: Blue Suede Shoes 15: Teddy Bear 16: Hound Dog 17: Snowbird 18: The Impossible Dream 19: Snowbird (reh, incomplete) 20: Snowbird (1) 21: Snowbird (2, 4) 22: Snowbird (undubbed master) 23: Snowbird (master w/harmony) 24: Telephone conversation (1971)
Content: 4 Sound: 4- Artwork: 5 |
Review by Oven Egeland
This is Gravel Roads re-release of the bootleg Snowbird from label 2001. It has a bit higher volume output, otherwise it comes in the same sound. Tagged onto the end are several takes of 'Snowbird' studio version, taken from official releases and other bootlegs. Below is the review of the original release.
Featuring Elvis in Las Vegas, January 29 1971. All who have listened to DAE's All Things Are Possible, and Fort Baxter's Lean, Mean And Kickin' Butt knows what to expect. It is very similar to both, but especially the first mentioned.
Elvis is focused on almost every song, and deliver high-class entertainment for approx. 40 minutes. The tempo is high, and Elvis have just finished 'That's All Right, Mama' before he jumps into 'I Got A Woman'.
On the other hand; Elvis really lost the interest for 'Sweet Caroline' at an early stage... Today's version is not full of spirit, exactly! Elvis also forgets the lyrics to 'Something' at some parts; otherwise, he is at his prime.
The title track...'Snowbird'. It wasn't a good song when he recorded it in September 1970, and it wasn't any better in January 1971! Nice to have all the same!
It would take a year before Elvis succeeded on 'The Impossible Dream', the song that ends the concert. These 1971-versions are not even close to the ones from 1972!
I fancy Elvis comments to a girl who states she is from Atlanta; "People from Atlanta, think when they die they go to Memphis"
The sound quality on this CD is not bad...and not good! I call it the "2001 - quality" (on concert releases, that is); lifeless and without punch! Also there are some quite noticeable drop-outs on 'The Impossible Dream'. Except from that it sounds like the source is of the standard used for DAE's All Things Are Possible. DAE's final product is much better, though! Best sound of all three CD's from this period has Fort Baxter's Lean, Mean And Kickin' Butt.
Running time of the concert is only 40 minutes.
Reviewed by Oven Egeland, Elvis In Norway - December 1 2000 / January 2014. |