ELVIS (FOOL) - BMG 506020 975018

1. Comments (I) by Michael Sander
2. Comments (II) by Michael Sander |
This is the updated -2 CD- version of Elvis (Fool). Released in October 2010.
CD-1 focus on the original albums, but also includes the "Hawaiian" numbers recorded after Aloha From Hawaii on January 14 1973. They were a part of the rejected album, as was 'Reconsider Baby' from Madison Square Garden 1972. Some alternate mix version are also included.
Another - even longer and completely new - jam version of 'Don't Think Twice, It's All Right' fills up large portions of CD-2, together with a selection of outtakes. Takes of 'Love Me, Love The Life I Lead', 'Padre', 'For Lovin' Me' and two attempts at 'My Way' that are previously unreleased.
First issue had an error on CD-2, that was corrected later. Take 11 of 'Padre' was not available on the first pressing of CD-2, as take 2 was repeated on that spot.
It is presented in a 7" deluxe package. |
CD-1: Original release and outtakes
1: Fool 2: Where Do I Go From Here 3: Love Me, Love The Life I Lead 4: It's Still Here 5: It's Impossible 6: For Lovin' Me 7: Padre 8: I'll Take You Home Again Kathleen 9: I Will Be True 10: Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (edited) 11: Steamroller Blues (single mix) 12: For The Good Times 13: Until It's Time For You To Go [remake] 14: Love Me, Love The Life I Lead (alt. mix) 15: Padre (alt. mix) 16: Fool (alt. mix) 17: Where Do I Go From Here (edited) 18: Reconsider Baby (Madison Sq. Garden '72) 19: Blue Hawaii (Honolulu '73) 20: Early Mornin' Rain (Honolulu '73) 21: Hawaiian Wedding Song (Honolulu '73) 22: Ku-U-I-Po (Honolulu '73) 23: No More (Honolulu '73) 24: Fool (single)
CD-2: Outtakes
1: For Lovin' Me (1*) 2: Until It's Time For You To Go (1*, 2*) 3: Love Me, Love The Life I Lead (1*, 2*, 4) [I Sing All Kinds] 4: Padre (1*, 2) [I Sing All Kinds] 5: For Lovin' Me (3*, 7*, 8*) 6: It's Still Here (1, 2, 3) [I Sing All Kinds] 7: I'll Take You Home Again Kathleen (undubbed master) 8: I Will Be True (1, 2*) [I Sing All Kinds] 9: It's Still Here (4*, 5) [Ess. 70's Masters] 10: Until It's Time For You To Go [remake] (6) [I Sing All Kinds] 11: Padre (11*) 12: Love Me, Love The Life I Lead (5*, 6*) 13: My Way (1*, 2*) 14: My Way (3) [Ess. 70's Masters] 15: For Lovin' Me (9*, 10) [Today, Tomorrow And Forever] 16: Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (Jam # 2*) |
2. SEQUEL OF A COMMENT (follow up comments by Michael Sander)
I would like to share some news concerning my recent comment on the FTDs "Fool" release.
I also would like to include statements from Mr. Jørgensen, that are copied from official websites (I'm not responsible for their content).
First of all the corrected version of CD-2 was sent out with the latest FTD releases, as promised. The mistake on CD-2 has been corrected. Take 11 of 'Padre' is unfortunately faded out at the end, so it wasn't a great loss in the first place.
Ernst Jørgensen:
We still don't know all the answers to this, but in the case of 'Padre', it turns out that they have taken take 8 out of the reel, and consequently that is the master. However, the ending of take 11 has been cut out as well, indicating that they have spliced that ending on to take 8, supposedly because the ending of take 8 was not as good.
The most exciting track of this entire release might be the newly discovered alternate take of 'Don't Think Twice, It's All Right'.
Ernst Jørgensen:
First my apology for the typo. 'Don't Think Twice...' take 2 was recorded on May 17 – NOT March 17. It was recorded just before Elvis started recording 'Help Me Make It Through The Night'. When some say they knew of this recording, I'm confused. We only found it about a year ago, filed as a copy of take 1 and removed from it’s original real (in 1985).
Let's go over to the most confusing topic of this release, that's the duplication of the 'Fool' master on CD-1. Let's first take a look at Ernst Jørgensens explanation:
The mixes come from 2 different tapes and are done at different dates. The easiest way to tell them apart is by concentrating on the vocal - It is not so obvious when actually listening to the tracks but when you indeed concentrate on the vocal you can hear that its placement in the stereophonic field is different in both versions, with the "alternate mix" placed slightly left of centre whilst the album master is slightly to the right - no doubt a remnant of the analog panning nature of vintage mixing desks. So, you might be asking "well, if they're so alike why bother having them both". I would argue historical interest. Clearly what can be determined from these two tapes is that Felton had a clear picture earlier on for what he was going for. Perhaps he felt that he could improve the mix later on but ultimately decided against big changes. Regardless of your personal thoughts and opinions about the value of including this mix if anything you can rest assured that there are no errors with disc 1 of the "Fool" FTD.
Everyone can sleep better now, because CD-1 was really supposed to be that way. So, what finally led to all the confusions, concerning track 14?
First of all, because it already has been used as track 5 on CD-1 of the FTDs Standing Room Only release. It certainly hasn't been mentioned as an alternate mix there. We don't even know for sure, if the tiny, tiny difference in the balance of Elvis' voice is really the work of Felton Jarvis. Maybe it just originates from different remastering processes. Anyway, the difference is quite small, so if Mr. Jørgensen wanted to include it, why not telling it, like it is:
Track 14 – 'Fool' (master, coming from a different tape, included only for historical reasons).
I think, they shouldn't have called it an alternate mix. Some people might argue, how to define the expression "alternate mix". In my opinion, there should be at least some differences concerning the instruments, the voices or the time (e.g. longer version). There is a remarkable text passage in the booklet of the 'Fool' release, saying: <..> Joan Deary assembled the album, <..> Felton Jarvis came up with six replacements cuts. Mixes and re-mixes were made, and the track listing kept changing <..>.
One might assume, that you could really hear some significant differences between all the remixes. On this release, concerning track 14, the answer is "No". Which leads to another question. Since Joan Deary was working on the original LP release, why not include her alternate mix version of 'Fool', as released on the 1980 Elvis Aron Presley box set? It's the only official alternate mix of 'Fool' so far, and I wonder, why it doesn't have any historical value, as well?
Let's change the topic and quote Mr. Jørgensen one more time.
Ernst Jørgensen:
<..> the many missing 1971 tapes. When Elvis died, all the session tapes were in our Nashville vault, but when those tapes where eventually moved to New York at my request, several were missing. <..> When material like 'Don't Think Twice' take 2 turns up, even though they may only be outtakes, it's truly exciting. <..> This obviously leaves hope for dreamers like me, and yet it seems unlikely that these tapes still exist. Over to you, sincerely Ernst
I guess, we all would like to dream along with him. That’s why sometimes I don't understand FTDs publishing politics.
For example: On the one hand we expected an exciting new mix of 'Fool', but we get an already released version. On the other hand we get two unreleased outtakes on the new vinyl release of "Viva Las Vegas", that aren't mentioned anywhere: 'If You Think I Don't Need You' – take 2 and 'The Lady Loves Me' – take 2. Previously unreleased! And since they are early takes and far away from being perfect, they are quite entertaining! I'm already waiting for explanations like: "We didn't want to push the fans into buying our vinyl releases", or (this one I stole from Michael Buble's latest CD) "I loved them so much that I sneaked them onto the CD (LP) as a little bonus for you!"
Over to you ;-)
© Michael Sander, Germany January 2011
1. MESSAGE FOR THE FANS (comments by Michael Sander)
This is not a review, it's rather some kind of criticism, and I'm glad that Oven put it on his website. I guess we can delete this comment, as soon as everything is settled by FTD.
There are two major mistakes on this release. Mistake No. 1 is already official: Track 11 on CD-2 is not take 11, but take 2 (track 4). Wow, sounds confusing, right? Maybe someone at FTD was confused, too. At least some replacement for CD-2 will be delivered.
Mistake No. 2 is not official now, hope there will be some statement soon:
The alternate mix of 'Fool' (CD-1, track 14) has been replaced by the FTD Standing Room Only version of the song, which of course is the exactly same mix as track 1. Elvis voice is a little bit stronger on the left channel, but it's exactly the same mix. Both tracks run 2:45 min, so someone definitively has made a mistake here, since the alternate mix was supposed to run 2:49.
The key might be the string section. There is an acetate version of 'Fool' on bootleg, but there's also Joan Deary's version on the Silver Box. Both are featuring the strings right from the beginning. Maybe Mr. Jorgensen wanted to present a new version, since he never uses any Joan Deary material, that features the strings right from the beginning. Since this is only speculation, the fact is: Track 1 and track 14 are the same. Another duplication!
I hope, that FTD will give an official statement. In my opinion both CDs should be replaced with the correct versions.
By the way, why doesn't anyone at FTD listen to the final project, before putting it on the market. They are supposed to be professionals.
© Michael Sander, Germany October 2010
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